Wednesday 19 January 2011

Just a short reflection

The first week of Term 3 at sinarmas, ESL teaching us about part of speech, noun and adjective. I think everyone have been know and hear these of words every time in english class. ESL teaching this topic because commonly people just hear without understanding well of the meaning words. Mr. Raisdana helping us to understand by watching movie from Brain Pop.

First way that we learn this by collecting words and research about the meaning and put some list of words. We learn noun, proper noun , compound noun, singular and plural. singular is a words only 1 thing. plural was the opposite one ( two things or more than 1) We list all the words into Google docs (G-Docs) G-docs same thing like Microsoft but the different was it can be share but the problem was sometimes friends can change anything that we type to make joke.

Part of speech is a words with their own meaning and category. It have 8 category are:
1. Verb- action
2. Adverb - describe a verb
3. Noun - thing or person or idea or place.
4. Adjective - describe noun
5. Pronoun -Haven't done yet
6. Conjunction - Haven't done yet :)
7. Preposition- As soon we learn it
8. Interjection Haven't done yet

Brain pop for me personalities was great website because it content all kind of subject and detail information. I feel brain pop can really usefull website so I could learn and find sources easier my looking on their video. Inside the brain pop there have a Quiz to make sure what we have done and how good have we know and learn. checking your knowledge to test the quiz.

Flicks for me personal was great giving picture because it was free and we use in proper way not like stealing other picture, with flicks we won't worry anymore because it just same like google image but this picture easy to find Creative Common to share and to help people. We use Flickr to find picture about noun This all picture we collaborate and mix together and share with classmate so we know more about what is noun with picture and description. So Mr. Raisdana make another G-docs for presentation which is include our picture to share. This my right side of post was picture that I choose which is in category of : compound noun, common and singular. Now this is whole of Presentation by me and my friends in ESL class.

I think now it have been exiting and interesting in this new term of 3. Our product after learning this to teaching to someone what have we done and what we know about this. Our product can be Movie, Presentation or Oral with some picture and list of words. Great time to learn this kind of topic cause its improve our vocabulary and grammar into proper languages.