Sunday 31 October 2010

Emotive Language

Emotive language are a words that make people feel something. First step that we do about emotive language is used a thesaurus to find word that we want people feel about words that we choose. 

We learn about G-docs and made a shared list about word that we find out from thesaurus. We pick two-four words each to made slide on G-docs. We also learned about Creative Commons and Copyright. Creative Commons is a picture that the publisher allow us to use their picture with a type of license. We use Flickr as our website to find Creative Commons pictures, but then its make us frustrated because of picture that we think is perfect! but the license was Copyright and we can't use that perfect picture. So finding the right Creative Commons picture was the hardest part of my process about emotive language.

Editing image that we find on flickr is best part of process because it was fun. We edited on Picnik Picnik is one of the easiest website for editing picture. We can edit any picture with style that we want, they have lot of optional that we could use. After finishing edit picture, we went on google docs to post it and share to friends what we learn and what we found. We also show our project to everybody by print it and display it on class.

My reflection on emotive language it just simple, its fun to share people and interesting to learn something new that use in jobs and daily life. We do this emotive language because language A english, we do the brochure, poster and movie that involve the emotive language word. This topic was really useful for my vocabulary because there were so many words that have a same meaning but the things that specific was not. Interesting to be learn but hard to be understand for us because we are language B english.

Google docs made us easier because we could share one docs together with friends and could be do together in their own laptop. Google docs same thing like Microsoft word but the different we could share it together in one docs. So we could open this docs anytime and anywhere if there is Internet. G-docs can be a document of presentation or document of movie or anything that we need. Simple but useful is G-DOCS.

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