Monday 13 December 2010

Why we go to school?

by: Country_boy_shane
Why does every human in this world should go for school? Why they do that tradition for go to school? why don't we just go for home learning? I been curious about this since grade 6, when I start thinking that school are bored. Its just a piece of book that we should memorize and understand, but teachers always tell to the student that have a same curiosity that I have that if you want to be rich or famous even achieve you goals, you must work hard and have good knowledge understanding why. If your study just like playing, Teacher will guarantee that we will not get achieve what we want without a big chance of luck will come to us.

Human are made from god to understand how tough this world and how many time that we have sacrifice for 1 knowledge?  Teacher and my parent always tell to me that the things that everyone can't stole from us is only the brain that full with knowledge, people will hired high for your jobs if you are smart enough. Little kids always want to go to school, and middle school upper does not want to go to school accept something that they really like from school and can't leave that.

The things that I like from school were the friends living and their social network. Sometimes friends story that make me interest can stuck in my mind and make that become knowledge that I kept. School for me sometimes fun in the learning group because I prefer for communicated and socializing. More friends that I have at school, more fun school will be. Maybe in next 6 weeks, Mr. Raisdana can tell me something about the technology hacking?how they can hack?because my friends always get hack by someone and they should start by beginning so I think Mr . Raisdana know how to solve that problem in social network.

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