Wednesday 8 June 2011

Final Post

Okay guys so this is it. my final post of everything that i do for 6 week. My first topic is about to making a slang and choosing to made a slang a dictionary but i got less resources so i'm finding the way to solve and decide to making comic life. it takes me a weeks I made a hard copy so I can share it to people or you could see the pdf copy of the slang chat. The reason why I doing the slang chat because my first plan of this UOI is about slang, the way people say slang, when and what does the slang words meaning but the problem too is that i don't get the sources such as less people telling me about their slang because nowadays people are saying the words without thinking it and they do confuse of what are the meaning.

The step that I took to making this are first is Knowledge the introduction of the changes why I change slang - slang chats and the introduction. next is the Comprehension I'm choosing the comprehension by making a short video and explanation. After I'm doing the product and its on part Application, this stage is the part of us to making the final product that things that we will tell and showing the knowledge. I'm choosing to making a comic book that the inside is the lesson of slang chat.

The last stage that i'm doing in UOI is about Analysis and this stage I will making a short paragraph and I will analyze about the slang chat that why people in SWA use the slang and what are type and consequences of using slang so here is students and people in swa commonly using slang chat for chatting because the slang have been like the king and guardian that people will use it and its also sometimes make people look cool. if we use like the formal words overtime they might think that we are nerd that only could be study but eventually nobody people wants people say that to them.

If this slang chat keep updating in social network then sometimes people will only remember the slang and forgot the real word for slang. slang created by people mind and wrote in chatting such as (Facebook, twitter, tumblr)that certain people that have that social network then you guys will know those kind of slang that mostly use in the social network. every social network have their own slang to describe something.

The beginning of this project UOI I was interested till I finally find the hard part of creating and resourcing so I was being bored but I find the solution and I change a bit from my first plan which is making the dictionary of slang and turn into Slang chat of the lesson in comic book. I did show this to people around my friends that people are usually called them as nerd because they are not cool that doesn't understand and they learn a bit after reading my comic and some of people are weird and strange and change them to laugh but people have their own variety of judge.

Here's the Oral Interview me with Mr. Jabiz Raisdana and interviewing me.

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